Hope first, South Africa First

Let’s start at the very beginning

A very good place to start


We will not lament the failure of departments, ministers, D-Gs, principals, teachers, parents or students

We who have failed our nation, failed our future, failed ourselves

The failure a trillion times worse than the pathetic pass marks and pass rates


Humpty Dumpty sat on a bank

Humpty Dumpty had a great fail


We will not bemoan the scandals of buying posts, thefts of catering provisions for children, dumping of textbooks or the burning of schools

That have mercilessly stomped on the heads of children they should have been nurturing


Tinker, tailor, soldier, sailor

Rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief


Let every learner, teacher, official and parent be recognised

Let their self-respect make them proud and accountable

Let us build a nation of hope

Based on a desire for a new dawn


Reading, writing, arithmetic

Rearing, respecting, righting


Instil the principles of integrity, honesty and justice by living them

Light this fire within ourselves, our homes, our neighbourhoods and our schools

Feed this flame with love, acceptance, peace and purity


Twinkle, twinkle little stars

Illuminate the gloom and doom


Let us proclaim our desire to address the crisis

The crisis of education, the crisis of faith

Implement the best of policies, discard the worst

Come together without blame and judgment

To work and play and learn and teach


Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow!

You’re only a hope away



  • With thanks to children nursery rhyme authors and musical composers

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