Raashi reflects …

A week has passed since one of my happiest days of recent times. On Wednesday, 7 March 2018, I launched my first poetry anthology, Happy Birthday, Raashi. It was a celebration with friends and family, and I am so grateful to everyone who attended. I was thrilled that the work, my love poetry, my celebratory poetry was received so warmly by people in attendance. Read articles or watch videos of the moments here: https://www.facebook.com/pg/raashisreflections/posts/?ref=page_internal

A warm glow spreads over me when I remember the night. To have many of my nearest and dearest share this with me was overwhelmingly rewarding. I am overflowing with gratitude. It was like the heavens aligned and everything went off perfectly. Malebo Sephodi (author of Miss Behave), the discussant was awesome. What an honour to share the platform with such a recognised and well-versed author. It was clear right from the word go that she was intimately familiar with my work. Malebo was in touch with the audience, and engaging discussions followed. 

This rush that I’m feeling is balanced – I’m now also feeling pressure. Pressure to present the two novels I have written and to do that soon. Not least because, if I move quickly, I can capitalise on the momentum from the launches (yes, plural – I’m doing a launch in Durban and Cape Town too). Which means I can’t sit too long basking in the afterglow. I’ve got to get off my butt and get it happening.

I’m thrilled to say that I’m in the final stages (if I ever do stop editing) of the writing. Next step is to finalise the publishing and move into design. Exciting times ahead, indeed.



Raashida Khan (Raashi) is a full-time writer. For more information, read her Amazon Author bio here. https://www.amazon.com/Raashida-Khan/e/B07B2BLHJ4/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1520956565&sr=8-1Follow Raashi on FB https://www.facebook.com/raashisreflections/