Freedom Day

The rusty tap is at the end of a dusty, dirty track

A drip of water that may not last till you reach the sodden earth beneath it

The queue snakes along sluggish

Past the pit toilets that overflow

Hold your breath and turn your face

To see the broken windows on the school

The building without a principal, a lab or menstruating girls

Two teachers on indefinite sick leave, one suspended for sexual abuse

Classes of forty now bursting at sixty


Your father waits for the bucket you gingerly carry

Don’t spill one precious drop – all are thirsty, all are dirty

Baba needs to wash before going to the dump where he will pick through rubbish

Selling paper and plastic to buy a loaf of bread and a tin of fish, maybe

The mine closed down and with it the hope that you would matriculate

A job for you when a man of fifty searches for his dignity in a pile of stinking rot?


Sisi wears the frayed T-shirt that bleeds the colours of the South African flag

Faded like the shine that was the rainbow nation

She is rushing to the stadium for the celebrations

Freedom Day! 27th April


We are liberated

We are enfranchised

We are whole